Wednesday, November 26, 2014

New gymnastics class

 Emma and Fiona have been moved up into a more advanced gymnastics class and they are doing great! Cartwheeling down the sidewalk, handstands against the walls and on chairs and dismounts off furniture have become the normal routine in our house.
She is also doing tap, jazz and ballet classes on Thursdays and enjoys that, too. Here's her makeup tap class from this past Friday.

Thanks to everyone in advance for the beautifully written holiday notes and cards I'm sure you're busy working on already. It has taken so much pressure off me to NOT feel like I have to do one, and I have come to terms with not feeling guilty about it, but do know I appreciate everyone who does send them and that I love reading them. It's been a really hard, busy year and I can't believe it's already almost December. I also haven't totally become comfortable with the idea of sending Christmas cards when I'm married to a man who celebrates Hanukkah, so I find it easier to just not. I hope that might make a bit of sense to some of you. I care about you all so much and miss you.
Lots of Love and Hugs, always.

1 comment:

The Big Sky Brewers said...

Wow, Emma! You have a real gift with dance and gymnastics. It'll be fun to watch where that takes you. I'm impressed! Oh, and tell your mom we totally understand about skipping on sending Christmas cards. Love and hugs!!!