Sunday, May 17, 2015

Spring gardening

Flowers and basil in pots

A few new succulent additions to our old sink
Everything got moved to a sunnier spot along the fence and is doing great!
A nice tomato plant plugging along, marigolds, basil and flowers planted around it.
Snap peas on a trellis
Some herbs with fun markers

Things are coming along pretty well despite the drought, we save all water from pasta, turning the shower on, etc.
Operation save the blueberry plant ... took it out of the ground today, added a bunch of coffee grounds to add acid to the soil and some mulch on top to keep it moist. I elevate the barrels on bricks for proper drainage.
Two nice tomato plants beginning to fruit. Marigolds growing around.
Yellow bush beans looking down from above. ... Below, peas with a tepee trellis.
This kale has gotten SO tall I put a big cage around it to keep it upright.
Two potential pumpkins. We shall see!

1 comment:

Evan and Nathan said...

Wonderful! I'm so envious of your growing season. I hope we have a lot of sun to catch ours up. You've done a great job!